`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `url` varchar(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `res` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '-=not crawl, H=hit, M=miss, B=blacklist', `reason` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'response code, comma separated', `mtime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `url` (`url`(191)), KEY `res` (`res`) jQuery( function( $ ) { // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1 (function() { var cardFromNumber, cardFromType, cards, defaultFormat, formatBackCardNumber, formatBackExpiry, formatCardNumber, formatExpiry, formatForwardExpiry, formatForwardSlashAndSpace, hasTextSelected, luhnCheck, reFormatCVC, reFormatCardNumber, reFormatExpiry, reFormatNumeric, replaceFullWidthChars, restrictCVC, restrictCardNumber, restrictExpiry, restrictNumeric, safeVal, setCardType, __slice = [].slice, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; $ = window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$; $.payment = {}; $.payment.fn = {}; $.fn.payment = function() { var args, method; method = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; return $.payment.fn[method].apply(this, args); }; defaultFormat = /(\d{1,4})/g; $.payment.cards = cards = [ { type: 'maestro', patterns: [5018, 502, 503, 506, 56, 58, 639, 6220, 67], format: defaultFormat, length: [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], cvcLength: [3], luhn: true }, { type: 'forbrugsforeningen', patterns: [600], format: defaultFormat, length: [16], cvcLength: [3], luhn: true }, { type: 'dankort', patterns: [5019], format: defaultFormat, length: [16], cvcLength: [3], luhn: true }, { type: 'visa', patterns: [4], format: defaultFormat, length: [13, 16], cvcLength: [3], luhn: true }, { type: 'mastercard', patterns: [51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], format: defaultFormat, length: [16], cvcLength: [3], luhn: true }, { type: 'amex', patterns: [34, 37], format: /(\d{1,4})(\d{1,6})?(\d{1,5})?/, length: [15], cvcLength: [3, 4], luhn: true }, { type: 'dinersclub', patterns: [30, 36, 38, 39], format: /(\d{1,4})(\d{1,6})?(\d{1,4})?/, length: [14], cvcLength: [3], luhn: true }, { type: 'discover', patterns: [60, 64, 65, 622], format: defaultFormat, length: [16], cvcLength: [3], luhn: true }, { type: 'unionpay', patterns: [62, 88], format: defaultFormat, length: [16, 17, 18, 19], cvcLength: [3], luhn: false }, { type: 'jcb', patterns: [35], format: defaultFormat, length: [16], cvcLength: [3], luhn: true } ]; cardFromNumber = function(num) { var card, p, pattern, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref; num = (num + '').replace(/\D/g, ''); for (_i = 0, _len = cards.length; _i < _len; _i++) { card = cards[_i]; _ref = card.patterns; for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { pattern = _ref[_j]; p = pattern + ''; if (num.substr(0, p.length) === p) { return card; } } } }; cardFromType = function(type) { var card, _i, _len; for (_i = 0, _len = cards.length; _i < _len; _i++) { card = cards[_i]; if (card.type === type) { return card; } } }; luhnCheck = function(num) { var digit, digits, odd, sum, _i, _len; odd = true; sum = 0; digits = (num + '').split('').reverse(); for (_i = 0, _len = digits.length; _i < _len; _i++) { digit = digits[_i]; digit = parseInt(digit, 10); if ((odd = !odd)) { digit *= 2; } if (digit > 9) { digit -= 9; } sum += digit; } return sum % 10 === 0; }; hasTextSelected = function($target) { var _ref; if (($target.prop('selectionStart') != null) && $target.prop('selectionStart') !== $target.prop('selectionEnd')) { return true; } if ((typeof document !== "undefined" && document !== null ? (_ref = document.selection) != null ? _ref.createRange : void 0 : void 0) != null) { if (document.selection.createRange().text) { return true; } } return false; }; safeVal = function(value, $target) { var currPair, cursor, digit, error, last, prevPair; try { cursor = $target.prop('selectionStart'); } catch (_error) { error = _error; cursor = null; } last = $target.val(); $target.val(value); if (cursor !== null && $target.is(":focus")) { if (cursor === last.length) { cursor = value.length; } if (last !== value) { prevPair = last.slice(cursor - 1, +cursor + 1 || 9e9); currPair = value.slice(cursor - 1, +cursor + 1 || 9e9); digit = value[cursor]; if (/\d/.test(digit) && prevPair === ("" + digit + " ") && currPair === (" " + digit)) { cursor = cursor + 1; } } $target.prop('selectionStart', cursor); return $target.prop('selectionEnd', cursor); } }; replaceFullWidthChars = function(str) { var chars, chr, fullWidth, halfWidth, idx, value, _i, _len; if (str == null) { str = ''; } fullWidth = '\uff10\uff11\uff12\uff13\uff14\uff15\uff16\uff17\uff18\uff19'; halfWidth = '0123456789'; value = ''; chars = str.split(''); for (_i = 0, _len = chars.length; _i < _len; _i++) { chr = chars[_i]; idx = fullWidth.indexOf(chr); if (idx > -1) { chr = halfWidth[idx]; } value += chr; } return value; }; reFormatNumeric = function(e) { var $target; $target = $(e.currentTarget); return setTimeout(function() { var value; value = $target.val(); value = replaceFullWidthChars(value); value = value.replace(/\D/g, ''); return safeVal(value, $target); }); }; reFormatCardNumber = function(e) { var $target; $target = $(e.currentTarget); return setTimeout(function() { var value; value = $target.val(); value = replaceFullWidthChars(value); value = $.payment.formatCardNumber(value); return safeVal(value, $target); }); }; formatCardNumber = function(e) { var $target, card, digit, length, re, upperLength, value; digit = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!/^\d+$/.test(digit)) { return; } $target = $(e.currentTarget); value = $target.val(); card = cardFromNumber(value + digit); length = (value.replace(/\D/g, '') + digit).length; upperLength = 16; if (card) { upperLength = card.length[card.length.length - 1]; } if (length >= upperLength) { return; } if (($target.prop('selectionStart') != null) && $target.prop('selectionStart') !== value.length) { return; } if (card && card.type === 'amex') { re = /^(\d{4}|\d{4}\s\d{6})$/; } else { re = /(?:^|\s)(\d{4})$/; } if (re.test(value)) { e.preventDefault(); return setTimeout(function() { return $target.val(value + ' ' + digit); }); } else if (re.test(value + digit)) { e.preventDefault(); return setTimeout(function() { return $target.val(value + digit + ' '); }); } }; formatBackCardNumber = function(e) { var $target, value; $target = $(e.currentTarget); value = $target.val(); if (e.which !== 8) { return; } if (($target.prop('selectionStart') != null) && $target.prop('selectionStart') !== value.length) { return; } if (/\d\s$/.test(value)) { e.preventDefault(); return setTimeout(function() { return $target.val(value.replace(/\d\s$/, '')); }); } else if (/\s\d?$/.test(value)) { e.preventDefault(); return setTimeout(function() { return $target.val(value.replace(/\d$/, '')); }); } }; reFormatExpiry = function(e) { var $target; $target = $(e.currentTarget); return setTimeout(function() { var value; value = $target.val(); value = replaceFullWidthChars(value); value = $.payment.formatExpiry(value); return safeVal(value, $target); }); }; formatExpiry = function(e) { var $target, digit, val; digit = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!/^\d+$/.test(digit)) { return; } $target = $(e.currentTarget); val = $target.val() + digit; if (/^\d$/.test(val) && (val !== '0' && val !== '1')) { e.preventDefault(); return setTimeout(function() { return $target.val("0" + val + " / "); }); } else if (/^\d\d$/.test(val)) { e.preventDefault(); return setTimeout(function() { var m1, m2; m1 = parseInt(val[0], 10); m2 = parseInt(val[1], 10); if (m2 > 2 && m1 !== 0) { return $target.val("0" + m1 + " / " + m2); } else { return $target.val("" + val + " / "); } }); } }; formatForwardExpiry = function(e) { var $target, digit, val; digit = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!/^\d+$/.test(digit)) { return; } $target = $(e.currentTarget); val = $target.val(); if (/^\d\d$/.test(val)) { return $target.val("" + val + " / "); } }; formatForwardSlashAndSpace = function(e) { var $target, val, which; which = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!(which === '/' || which === ' ')) { return; } $target = $(e.currentTarget); val = $target.val(); if (/^\d$/.test(val) && val !== '0') { return $target.val("0" + val + " / "); } }; formatBackExpiry = function(e) { var $target, value; $target = $(e.currentTarget); value = $target.val(); if (e.which !== 8) { return; } if (($target.prop('selectionStart') != null) && $target.prop('selectionStart') !== value.length) { return; } if (/\d\s\/\s$/.test(value)) { e.preventDefault(); return setTimeout(function() { return $target.val(value.replace(/\d\s\/\s$/, '')); }); } }; reFormatCVC = function(e) { var $target; $target = $(e.currentTarget); return setTimeout(function() { var value; value = $target.val(); value = replaceFullWidthChars(value); value = value.replace(/\D/g, '').slice(0, 4); return safeVal(value, $target); }); }; restrictNumeric = function(e) { var input; if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { return true; } if (e.which === 32) { return false; } if (e.which === 0) { return true; } if (e.which < 33) { return true; } input = String.fromCharCode(e.which); return !!/[\d\s]/.test(input); }; restrictCardNumber = function(e) { var $target, card, digit, value; $target = $(e.currentTarget); digit = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!/^\d+$/.test(digit)) { return; } if (hasTextSelected($target)) { return; } value = ($target.val() + digit).replace(/\D/g, ''); card = cardFromNumber(value); if (card) { return value.length <= card.length[card.length.length - 1]; } else { return value.length <= 16; } }; restrictExpiry = function(e) { var $target, digit, value; $target = $(e.currentTarget); digit = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!/^\d+$/.test(digit)) { return; } if (hasTextSelected($target)) { return; } value = $target.val() + digit; value = value.replace(/\D/g, ''); if (value.length > 6) { return false; } }; restrictCVC = function(e) { var $target, digit, val; $target = $(e.currentTarget); digit = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (!/^\d+$/.test(digit)) { return; } if (hasTextSelected($target)) { return; } val = $target.val() + digit; return val.length <= 4; }; setCardType = function(e) { var $target, allTypes, card, cardType, val; $target = $(e.currentTarget); val = $target.val(); cardType = $.payment.cardType(val) || 'unknown'; if (!$target.hasClass(cardType)) { allTypes = (function() { var _i, _len, _results; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = cards.length; _i < _len; _i++) { card = cards[_i]; _results.push(card.type); } return _results; })(); $target.removeClass('unknown'); $target.removeClass(allTypes.join(' ')); $target.addClass(cardType); $target.toggleClass('identified', cardType !== 'unknown'); return $target.trigger('payment.cardType', cardType); } }; $.payment.fn.formatCardCVC = function() { this.on('keypress', restrictNumeric); this.on('keypress', restrictCVC); this.on('paste', reFormatCVC); this.on('change', reFormatCVC); this.on('input', reFormatCVC); return this; }; $.payment.fn.formatCardExpiry = function() { this.on('keypress', restrictNumeric); this.on('keypress', restrictExpiry); this.on('keypress', formatExpiry); this.on('keypress', formatForwardSlashAndSpace); this.on('keypress', formatForwardExpiry); this.on('keydown', formatBackExpiry); this.on('change', reFormatExpiry); this.on('input', reFormatExpiry); return this; }; $.payment.fn.formatCardNumber = function() { this.on('keypress', restrictNumeric); this.on('keypress', restrictCardNumber); this.on('keypress', formatCardNumber); this.on('keydown', formatBackCardNumber); this.on('keyup', setCardType); this.on('paste', reFormatCardNumber); this.on('change', reFormatCardNumber); this.on('input', reFormatCardNumber); this.on('input', setCardType); return this; }; $.payment.fn.restrictNumeric = function() { this.on('keypress', restrictNumeric); this.on('paste', reFormatNumeric); this.on('change', reFormatNumeric); this.on('input', reFormatNumeric); return this; }; $.payment.fn.cardExpiryVal = function() { return $.payment.cardExpiryVal($(this).val()); }; $.payment.cardExpiryVal = function(value) { var month, prefix, year, _ref; _ref = value.split(/[\s\/]+/, 2), month = _ref[0], year = _ref[1]; if ((year != null ? year.length : void 0) === 2 && /^\d+$/.test(year)) { prefix = (new Date).getFullYear(); prefix = prefix.toString().slice(0, 2); year = prefix + year; } month = parseInt(month, 10); year = parseInt(year, 10); return { month: month, year: year }; }; $.payment.validateCardNumber = function(num) { var card, _ref; num = (num + '').replace(/\s+|-/g, ''); if (!/^\d+$/.test(num)) { return false; } card = cardFromNumber(num); if (!card) { return false; } return (_ref = num.length, __indexOf.call(card.length, _ref) >= 0) && (card.luhn === false || luhnCheck(num)); }; $.payment.validateCardExpiry = function(month, year) { var currentTime, expiry, _ref; if (typeof month === 'object' && 'month' in month) { _ref = month, month = _ref.month, year = _ref.year; } if (!(month && year)) { return false; } month = ( month || 0 == month ) ? month.toString().trim() : ''; year = ( year || 0 == year ) ? year.toString().trim() : ''; if (!/^\d+$/.test(month)) { return false; } if (!/^\d+$/.test(year)) { return false; } if (!((1 <= month && month <= 12))) { return false; } if (year.length === 2) { if (year < 70) { year = "20" + year; } else { year = "19" + year; } } if (year.length !== 4) { return false; } expiry = new Date(year, month); currentTime = new Date; expiry.setMonth(expiry.getMonth() - 1); expiry.setMonth(expiry.getMonth() + 1, 1); return expiry > currentTime; }; $.payment.validateCardCVC = function(cvc, type) { var card, _ref; cvc = ( cvc || 0 == cvc ) ? cvc.toString().trim() : ''; if (!/^\d+$/.test(cvc)) { return false; } card = cardFromType(type); if (card != null) { return _ref = cvc.length, __indexOf.call(card.cvcLength, _ref) >= 0; } else { return cvc.length >= 3 && cvc.length <= 4; } }; $.payment.cardType = function(num) { var _ref; if (!num) { return null; } return ((_ref = cardFromNumber(num)) != null ? _ref.type : void 0) || null; }; $.payment.formatCardNumber = function(num) { var card, groups, upperLength, _ref; num = num.replace(/\D/g, ''); card = cardFromNumber(num); if (!card) { return num; } upperLength = card.length[card.length.length - 1]; num = num.slice(0, upperLength); if (card.format.global) { return (_ref = num.match(card.format)) != null ? _ref.join(' ') : void 0; } else { groups = card.format.exec(num); if (groups == null) { return; } groups.shift(); groups = $.grep(groups, function(n) { return n; }); return groups.join(' '); } }; $.payment.formatExpiry = function(expiry) { var mon, parts, sep, year; parts = expiry.match(/^\D*(\d{1,2})(\D+)?(\d{1,4})?/); if (!parts) { return ''; } mon = parts[1] || ''; sep = parts[2] || ''; year = parts[3] || ''; if (year.length > 0) { sep = ' / '; } else if (sep === ' /') { mon = mon.substring(0, 1); sep = ''; } else if (mon.length === 2 || sep.length > 0) { sep = ' / '; } else if (mon.length === 1 && (mon !== '0' && mon !== '1')) { mon = "0" + mon; sep = ' / '; } return mon + sep + year; }; }).call(this); }); import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { __ } from "@wordpress/i18n"; import Custom_Fonts_Icons from "@Common/svg-icons"; const GFontVariation = (props) => { const { weight, font, isInGoogleState, disable } = props; const googleFont = useSelector( ( state ) => state.googleFont ); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const [removeTitle, setRemoveTitle] = useState( __( 'Remove', 'custom-fonts' ) ); const [addTitle, setAddTitle] = useState( __( 'Add', 'custom-fonts' ) ); useEffect(() => { if (!disable) { setRemoveTitle( __( 'Remove', 'custom-fonts' ) ); setAddTitle( __( 'Add', 'custom-fonts' ) ); } }, [disable]); const getFontWeightTitle = ( weight ) => { if ( undefined === weight ) { weight = '400'; } let updatedWeight = weight, oldWeight = weight; if ( 'italic' === weight ) { oldWeight = '400italic'; } if ( oldWeight.includes('italic') ) { updatedWeight = `${oldWeight.replace('italic', '')} ` + __( 'Italic', 'custom-fonts' ); } switch ( weight ) { case '100': case '100italic': return __( 'Thin ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; case '200': case '200italic': return __( 'Extra Light ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; case '300': case '300italic': return __( 'Light ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; case '400': case '400italic': return __( 'Regular ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; case '500': case '500italic': return __( 'Medium ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; case '600': case '600italic': return __( 'Semi Bold ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; case '700': case '700italic': return __( 'Bold ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; case '800': case '800italic': return __( 'Extra Bold ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; case '900': case '900italic': return __( 'Ultra-Bold ', 'custom-fonts' ) + updatedWeight; default: return updatedWeight; } } const addWeight = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); setRemoveTitle( __( 'Adding...', 'custom-fonts' ) ); const varWt = e.target.dataset.font_weight; const variations = googleFont.variations; if ( undefined === varWt ) { return; } let style = varWt.includes('italic') ? 'italic' : 'normal'; variations.push( { id: variations.length+1, font_file: '', font_style: style, font_weight: varWt, }); dispatch({ type: "SET_GOOGLE_FONT", payload: { font_name: googleFont.font_name, font_fallback: googleFont.font_fallback, font_display: googleFont.font_display, variations: variations, }, }); dispatch({ type: "IS_DB_UPDATE_REQUIRED", payload: {isDbUpdateRequired: true, editType: 'add' }}); }; const removeWeight = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); setAddTitle( __( 'Removing...', 'custom-fonts' ) ); const updatedVariations = googleFont.variations.filter( (variation) => variation.font_weight !== weight ); dispatch({ type: "SET_GOOGLE_FONT", payload: { font_name: googleFont.font_name ? googleFont.font_name : "", font_fallback: googleFont.font_fallback ? googleFont.font_fallback : "", font_display: googleFont.font_display ? googleFont.font_display : "", variations: updatedVariations, }, }); dispatch({ type: "IS_DB_UPDATE_REQUIRED", payload: { isDbUpdateRequired: true, editType: 'remove' }}); }; const getRenderFontWeight = (weight) => { if ( undefined === weight ) { weight = '400'; } if ( weight.includes('italic') ) { return weight.replace( "italic", "" ); } return weight; } const getFontStyle = (weight) => { if ( undefined === weight ) { weight = '400'; } if ( weight.includes('italic') ) { return 'italic'; } else { return 'normal'; } } return (
{/* Variation Name */}
{ getFontWeightTitle(weight) }
{/* Variation Preview */}
{__('How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!', 'custom-fonts')}
{!isInGoogleState && ( )} {isInGoogleState && ( )}
); }; export default GFontVariation;

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Because Windows makes it easy to work with zip files, there’s generally no need to unzip them. However, if you would prefer to unzip them you can simply right-click the zip file’s icon and select Extract All. Whether you’re using Windows or macOS, you don’t need additional software to create and open zip files. That’s […]